Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I spoke too soon

In this week's column I discuss what happened when my son vomited in a restaurant. (He has food allergies so it's quite common for him to get sick right after eating.) Has this ever happened to you? If so how did you react? This big question is how much of a tip does one leave after such an ordeal. Head on over to my FACEBOOK page to let me know what you have done or would do if it happened to you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

On the hot seat

This week's column piece is up: On the hot seat.

I go back to my childhood and explore all the creative seating a large family invents up in order to make more for everyone.

Have a great holiday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Busy little bee

I've been a busy little girl of late so have a few things to update!

First, you can read this week's column in the Western Itasca Review HERE. I talk about the highs and lows of the week I just spent with my daughter in the hospital.

You can also listen to last's week radio essay for KAXE, I read the piece I wrote about Rose and her good idea. Go HERE.

And if you missed my interview this morning on KAXE you can still listen to it here. I'm on after the 42 minute mark. We went over the hour a little bit so the last few minutes were cut off but all the rest is HERE.  Enjoy! 

As always, join me on FACEBOOK to stay up to date on everything that is happening! 

And lastly I'd like to say "Happy Birthday!" to my son Jarod! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Embracing Winter

I'm not going to lie. My first winter in Minnesota was not what I would call fun. I don't think you would label it was such either, unless your idea of a good time is staring out the window in shock, never feeling warm, and crying a lot. It wasn't pretty.

 (This is me. My first winter here. Glaring at the snow.)

So. This winter I decided that instead of trying to hide from the elements...I need to embrace them.

With the help of KAXE's listeners this is going to be a winter where I throw myself out there and test out a few different winter activities. "When in Rome" so to speak.

So tune into KAXE this Friday as I'll be on the morning show all ready to hear suggestions for winter thrills. I'll pick a few of them to do and afterwards let everyone know how it went. You'll get firsthand knowledge of what a newbie thinks of winter. In other words, you'll get to tease me, laugh with me, and shake your head at my inexperience. And that's sure to chase away the winter blues!

So tune into KAXE this Friday to join in the fun.
You can also leave your winter ideas on their FACEBOOK page.

Thanks for helping me learn that these crazy winters can be amazing! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Old moives, new skills

This week I open up my heart to you a little and let you peek into the life of my son, specifically his relationship to movies and how they changed his life. It's an emotional piece so you might want to have a tissue handy.

You can read all about it in this week's column in the Western Itasca Review: HERE.

Or you can listen to me read it over at KAXE: HERE.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Perfect Treat

I have two treats for you today!

You either READ "The Perfect Treat" in the Western Itasca Review or you can LISTEN to me read it over at KAXE 91.7fm.

Actually, I guess I have three treats for you because here are some random photos of the children in Halloween costumes!:-)