Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dentist Woes

This week's piece is up, you can view it HERE.

In the article I talk about a recent trip to the dentist and flash back to a memory of my own childhood dentist trip. What I've always found interesting is that no matter how well these trips go, going to the dentist is still something most fear. There is just no way to make a person with sharp objects designed to be inserted into your mouth fun. In fact the next day after Alex, age five, was at the dentist I had to go back to get a form filled out that I had forgotten to bring. It was nice out so Alex and I walked there but as soon as he saw the door of the dentist he dug his feet into the ground and refused to go in. Now his trip had been fine, a simple cleaning, but there is something about having to open your mouth to strangers that feels like a violation of sorts. I didn't want to leave him out on the street while I went in so I was finally able to talk him into standing in the entry way where he kept an eye out for staff, worried they were going to call his name. As we were leaving he said "Whew, that was close." lol

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